Name Our Shop

Posted: January 26, 2016 by Patrice Miles in C.A.R.E. Africa, Orphans

Our New Store

Our New Shop

6 months ago Emma and I started praying for God to show us a way to sustain the C.A.R.E. Africa ministry from within Nigeria. We felt he was leading us to open a shop. I told Emma the only way I would do it was if the shop was in a high traffic area, was in a brand new building and the landlord must be fair. He laughed at me but said he would pray about it. Right before I left for my furlough to the states Emma found the perfect place. It was at the busiest intersection of Egbe, brand new and the landlord we knew very well. Praise the Lord!

Inside the Shop

Inside the Shop

In November the shop was ready and Emma was about to sign the contract. I for some reason was not at peace about it. I talked to Emma and he also said he had not been at peace about it. The money was just too much and we didn’t know yet how we would get supplies for the store. As disappointed as we were to let this amazing shop go, we felt the Holy Spirit telling us to be patient and wait.

Since I have returned to Egbe, the storeowner wanted to re open negotiations. I again told Emma the only way we could do it was if he agreed to x price and also gave us 3 months to get the store ready. Again, Emma laughed but said “God can do it!” I am happy to say he did!! And to just to give you goose bumps, we had a donor send money to pay for the store rent in the entire amount! Can you believe this?? If we had signed back in November we would not have the discounted rent, the 3 months extra to get the place ready or the money that our gracious donor sent.

DSC_2073C.A.R.E. Africa is excited to announce that we will be opening a store in Egbe across from First Bank on May 1st. It will be a sports and bead store along with seamstress area while carrying any U.S. items we can get. We need your help with contacts in the U.S. If you know anyone that can donate or discount used sports equipment, beads for jewelry making, used iPhones and electronics and any other goods we can get, please email me at We also need your help for a name of the store. Please comment below and let us know your ideas for a store name.

Our Dream

Our Dream

Our Dream

Our Dream

  1. Fred E says:


  2. Andy LaBreche says:

    So cool how God supplies..

    Nice looking building too.. J


  3. mary Eicher says:

    God’s Store

  4. Victoria Lemke says:

    “Empowershop” On Jan 26, 2016 11:31 AM, “Miles In Missions” wrote:

    > Patrice Miles posted: “6 months ago Emma and I started praying for God to > show us a way to sustain the C.A.R.E. Africa ministry from within Nigeria. > We felt he was leading us to open a shop. I told Emma the only way I would > do it was if the shop was in a high traffic area, was ” >

  5. Dick Ackley says:

    You are amazing, Patrice. And so is Emma. Please greet him for me. To name the store a good Nigerian name, it should be something like, “The World Famous Specialty Shop”. -Dick

  6. Vake Kantayya says:

    Dare to Dream or Dream Big or Dreams Come True

  7. Kate Hadassah says:

    Ooooh!,thats grreeaat!. Humm,how about CARE Dreams?.

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